Conversation Translator Auto-Translates Instant Messages Into 35 Languages

Conversation Translator Auto-Translates Instant Messages Into 35 Languages.

Communicating without having to thinking about translation is a big step forward for communication, says Takako Aikawa, program manager on MSR’s Machine Translation Team. “The notion of being language-agnostic is essential for global communication, and that’s the beauty of this translator,” Aikawa says. “The goal is to let everyone communicate in their own language, and make every language – and every person – equal.”

Lin Li, senior test engineer for the Lync team and a researcher on language learning, sees Conversation Translator as a groundbreaking initiative at Microsoft. She believes that as social features become more prevalent in Microsoft products, translation will become ever more important.

“Global economic development brings language diversity and translation to the forefront, and as worldwide …



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