Nhibernate : Self reference to an object using Fluent Nhibernate


Public Class Employee


public virtual  int Id {get; set;}

public virtual  string Name {get; set;}

public virtual  string Address {get; set;}

Domain Model :

Public Class Employee


public virtual  int Id {get; set;}

public virtual  string Name {get; set;}

public virtual  string Address {get; set;}

Public IList<Employee> Managers {get;set;}


Scenario :1

One employee can have more than one Manager , Manager is also an employee . Fluent Nhibernate takes care of the self-reference of the object .Here in the business model we have the many-to-many relationship.

But in this Domain Model Employee object has  self-reference .

Solution :1

Mapping :

Public class EmployeeManagermap : ClassMap


Public EmployeeManagermap()


Id(x => x.Id,”EmployeeId”);

map(x=> x.Name ,”EmployeeName”);

HasManyToMany(x => x.Managers)






The above mapping will create a Table EmployeeManagers which will have two columns EmployeeId and ManagerId.

That’s it .

Hope this help to someone  . If you face some problem to implement any Nhibernate mapping scenario , you can contact me. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Nhibernate : Self reference to an object using Fluent Nhibernate

  1. Hi,
    I’m a bit confused. Would you keep both these classes in your project? The business object class, and the domain model class? It would be nice to hear some discussion around that. I can see how m:m maps in a bi-directional class references are present; We have both Employee.Managers, and Manager.Employees. But what if the class references are uni-directional?

    1. I think you understand m:m mapping in the above piece of code. Now you want the same Uni-directional

      You can refer here

      You can also have a look on the sample code also :

      If you still have some problem to understand/implement the scenario you want, please share your problem. I believe we will be able to find a s0lution for it.

      Have nice day.

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